Byrstone is a privately hold company with focus in international properties - Buy-To-Let as well as buy to resell based on market conditions.Byrstone was first founded in Sweden by Ali Pourtaheri under the name of Payman Export and Import in early 1980s. It has made 2 structural name changes and since 1998 has been branded Byrstone Properties limited.

The company has been investing internationally from day one. One of the first investments was a Gas Station in California and since then we have been performing businesses in California, Dallas, Canada, Middle East, Estonia, Sweden, UK, Panama and Cyprus.

Historically on the property side, Byrstone's focus has been Residential except in Dallas where after developing a 92 unit apartment complex with our partners, we decided to further develop a 40,000 sq ft Shopping centre in Allen County . In Middle East we have been dealing in both land as well as residential properties.